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[Slika: 20a9pb8.jpg]  [Slika: 10ppslf.jpg]    mislio sam na ovaj model...samo mu je drugacija udarna igla i korica se razlikuje
[Slika: 2ahwqoy.jpg]

  Used ayf which is H Geipal GmbH Waffenfabrik Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol Flare/Very/signal Pistol for sale | GunStar.

WW2 Nazi Marked, German 27mm, `ayf` made, 1942 dated, Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol. Sn 6177.This is a great example of a WW2 Nazi German 27mm Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol made by ayf which is H Geipal GmbH Waffenfabrik, Erfurt (ERMA) Zeitenstrasse 54 plant produced in 1942. The pistol has no signs of damage or repair and retains 90%+ of it`s original matt black finish. It has great condition un damaged original black chequered plastic grips, cocks and dry fires perfectly. It is complete with it`s original military lanyard ring. The pistol has matching serial numbers on the frame and barrel. On the Right hand side of the frame and chamber, the pistol is profusely Waffenampt marked (illustrated) and on the left side of the frame nicely stamped with the maker`s mark and date `ayf 42`. (illustrated). Price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. Sn 6177 (trade)  [Slika: 307yu50.jpg] Ja mislim da je ovaj jer ima iste oznake,a to sto su korice drugacije, mozda su zamenjene ili nesto drugo.
Used ayf which is H Geipal GmbH Waffenfabrik Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol Flare/Very/signal Pistol for sale | GunStar.

WW2 Nazi Marked, German 27mm, `ayf` made, 1942 dated, Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol. Sn 6177.This is a great example of a WW2 Nazi German 27mm Trench/ Flare Signal Pistol made by ayf which is H Geipal GmbH Waffenfabrik, Erfurt (ERMA) Zeitenstrasse 54 plant produced in 1942. The pistol has no signs of damage or repair and retains 90%+ of it`s original matt black finish. It has great condition un damaged original black chequered plastic grips, cocks and dry fires perfectly. It is complete with it`s original military lanyard ring. The pistol has matching serial numbers on the frame and barrel. On the Right hand side of the frame and chamber, the pistol is profusely Waffenampt marked (illustrated) and on the left side of the frame nicely stamped with the maker`s mark and date `ayf 42`. (illustrated). Price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. Sn 6177 (trade)
A i Mladenov je isti ko i ovaj sto sam ja stavio samo te oznake"ayf 42" su drugacije ali se najverovatnije radi o istom modelu.
kolko para
ayf je kodna oznaka fabrike gde je proizvedeno oruzje, a 42 je godina proizvodnje. nemci nisu numerisali oruzje da se ne bi znalo koliko ga je i gde proizvedeno.
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